Sunday, February 3, 2008

Britney Spears

Okay, so I know that we are all tired of hearing about this girl, but I need to say this....

Leave her alone.. really people. She is seriously messed up and needs help. As someone who has herself struggled with mental issues, it is hard enough to deal with it within your own circle. This girl had a career, is famous and is a hot mess. She doesn't need further scrutinizing by people that have no idea what she is going through. She needs our prayers that they are able to help her get well adn that she will once again be able to function on her own. She is under a microscope because of her status as a famous person and really all the media and pappa whatever's are just adding fuel to the fire. They should be ashamed, and we as a society should be ashamed as well that this is what our entertainment value has become.

Really people, get off her crack and give her space. Mental illness should not be stigmatized the way it is, nor should we continue to fuel it. It is what it is and people with mental disorders need compassion and help, not flash photography to enduce an episode.