Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Sport of Dating

Ding Ding

Sounds like the opening bell at a boxing match right? Wrong.

Men and Women are two completely different species. Everything from our body design to our communication styles. This often leads to sparring and irritation. Where is the referee when you need one?

Women (generally speaking) are taught from an early age that men tease you if they like you, that if they ignore you, they REALLY like you and that if they say they will call you, they will call you on their time table or not at all.


How does any of that make any sense. It is much easier to say what you mean, mean what you say and don't be afraid of a little feeling - we have feelings over everything.

Case in Point - I LOVE black raspberry ice cream and cannoli's.... down right infatuated
I HATE fish - the texture, the smell ICK
I HATE artificial sweeteners because they make me sick
I LOVE laughing
I LOVE dancing when no one watches and singing loud
I HATE being hurt

etc, etc etc

We have feelings about everything we do good, bad or indifferent.

Except when it comes to matters of the heart, soul and opposite sex, we confuse the signals. Up is down, right is left and yes is no.

In the last few months, I have had the privilege to meet a wonderful man. The confusing part is where we stand now. Men don't like to talk about feelings... real or implied. I know some of his history and he of mine. The details are just that, details and not for me to share here. What I can say is he is a man who had a women in his life. A women he cared for, trusted and shared his life with. She betrayed him, his trust and his feelings. It happens a lot in life to a lot of different people. We place ourselves completely in anothers care and they mishandle us.

I am currently on the path trying to prove myself to this man. To show I am worthy of being opened up to, being trusted, being worthy.

Is this really what I should be doing? Shouldn't I know I am worthy and let him either figure it out or lose me?

All I need to know is where we stand. Am I someone to get serious with or just someone to pass idle time with? How do I get him to talk to me about it instead of shrugging off as not wanting to talk about feelings? Why can't men and women just talk to each other without wondering if there are ulterior motives?

What do I do? I pose this question knowing that there is not just one answer. A friend earlier wrote " The beautiful thing is there are seven billion of us, like stars, each one unique, interesting and strange in their own way" (Thanks Machelle) This means that because of our unique natures and experiences none of us are going to be able to share the same history and outcomes of others fully. We simply need to learn how to communicate better, learn that the next person that comes along in our life won't be the same as the one that came before. We all have our own faults and impact every person we cross paths with.

Here is to hoping I learn the language of men before I make a complete ass of myself along the way.

(Here is to K. I hope you realize I am everything I put forth and more)