Friday, August 21, 2009

Smitten Kitten

Have you ever been totally smitten with something or someone?

Yesterday I was in Bellevue , WA for the first time since moving here nearly four years ago. After being lost for a bit, I made it to my appointment which turned out to be a huge disappointment ( That is for a different Post) While re-orienting myself I ended up in the beaautiful, downtown area that was sleek and posh looking. TOtally normal businesses glammed up in this ritzy area. I decided to go to none otehr than the Cheesecake Factory for a late lunch/early dinner. Everyone I came into contact with was extremely pleasant.. well except one (who also will be in that other post to come mentioned above).
I almost could fit in there. I say almost because every other car that drove by me was an elite high end machine with one of THOSE emblems on it ... you know what I am talking about...LOL.

As I was returning to the parking garage where my car was parked ( can you say parking that is Gratis? Imagine that for Providence Place my New England Peeps) I saw a Hoopdy drive by and then I knew it was ok... I started recognizing the working class vehicles that were also in Bellevue and I thought, I could live here, work here and Play here......

It also seems to be a very Christian Commnunity. Lots of Faith Based Churches and stores, nice people, nice to look at.

Anyways, these days it is not the only thing I am a Smitten Kitten over, but the other thing ... a person I would have to kill you if I told you about it. I just hope he knows and realizes he is a lucky man....