Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Toilet Paper: A Users Guide

Now I know that my girls reading this are going to Amen, but I have to say it anyways....

Men- We know that you do't like doing spontaneous "chores", but when you use the last squares of the TP in the bathroom, CHANGE IT. Don't leave it for your wife, mother, sister or some other raandom female passing through to take care of it. I know you feel that you don't use 'all that much' and that since the greatest percentage of squares used is by a female, that doesn't mean that you should just walk away leaving nothing for the next person.

This also means do not use just enough to leave two squares for the next person, because guaranteed, that last one is glued to the role. This entire process is not that hard people.......

Bottom line- change the role when it nears empty, leave more than none and you might just get lucky afterwards !!!!!


Miss Hope said...

You get an "Amen" from me. Right now I got a 3 (almost 4!) year old who uses more toilet paper than any female. I'm in the process of training him to replace empty roles.

His future wife will thank me.

Anonymous said...

Yeah we havent redone the bathroom yet so NO tp holder yet...but hopefully it will work out..I can tell you at work every time I go the roll is empty. Common sense and courtesy tell the people up front that you used the last