Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Self Importance Syndrome

Daily, I encounter people who puff up their own self importance for the display and benefit of others. It happens while I am in my car, at work, on the phone, at the grocery store and the list goes on. In our society, we have become a nation absorbed in keeping up with the Jones's. This means in an attempt to do this we often place our ego and self worth on a pedestal next to our treasures to make us look better or bigger or more "All that and a bag o chips"
I have encountered situations in my life where personal issue's are brought forth before others in an attempt to garner attention. I know we are all guilty of this, because quite frankly, when faced with adversity, we tend to close ranks and lament to anyone who will listen in hopes of help and attention. However, when said lamenting creates more drama than is needed in a situation, this is when people need to cool their jets. They have been caught up in the drama...dun dun dunhhhhh
Case in point, my stepson B thrives on a drama filled environment. He has the ability to go from 0-60 in no time flat over silly things. B: Where are you going? Me: to the bathroom B: When are you coming back me : um... when I'm done...... and usually I open the bathroom door and he is standing outside of it.... did I mention he is 13 and should be able to let me travel to the bathroom alone? His response to why he is outside the door... because I was gone for too long....

or if the phone rings and during the conversation he over hears Oh my gosh or some other derivative.. he panics and races down the stairs.... What's wrong? Nothing requiring the effort you are putting forth that is for sure.

Anyways... the original point I was trying to make here is that we all need to be needed, publicly raised on a platform and cajoled because we have come to a point in life where we believe this to be a necessity.....

After all, I was just the center of your universe for the last 5 minutes.... now doesn't that make me special?


Miss Hope said...

My first marriage gave me the last name Jones. I found out quick it's not all it's cracked up to be.