Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Importance of Real Friends

Lately I have been reflecting on the importance of friends. For the whole five of you that read my blog, I know you can understand where I am coming from. We have all had those people in our lives that suck and drain the energy and the will to live straight out of you. These are the 'toxics'. Now I am not saying that your friends will always be easy on you and there will be no draining encounters, but most friends can appreciate the give and take of a relationship. There are those that believe that the opposite party in the friendship should be accountable for all forms of communication while they sit back and crap on you for your lack of effort, time and energy for being the lackey. There are those that don't care whether you initiate the contact or not, but their only conversational topic is themselves and anything that is troubling you is non existent and no reason for them to bother themselves if it doesn't somehow affect them. These are the 'one siders'. There are those truly special gems that we come across that can continue to be your friends once you have moved, can always be counted on and can give as much to the relationships they take from it. These are the friends that get you through the tough times, never ask for more information than you are willing to give and are always available to stand up for you, behind you or beside you when needed. They will commiserate with you, console you and put you in check if you over step your bounds. These are the ones that it is important to keep close to you for they will be there for you long into the future, overlook your flaws and annoying habits and accept you as you are.


Miss Hope said...

When I moved, I found out those who were real and those who were not. I was heartbroken over those who weren't. Glad I found out now instead after I invested another 10-20 years in them.

Anonymous said...

5 of us reading huh? If I am includes in that 5 friends...I do know what you mean though and have been doing alot of reevaluating life in general....