Friday, June 13, 2008

Where in the World are the Shafers

Summer is upon us and the Navy has graciously allowed my husband to take leave for the first time since last June. The price of gas, airline tickets, food etc has been on our minds. We have decided to travel by.......CAR!!!!

Aren't you excited for me? Actually I came up with a rather cool itenirary to keep us occupied.

We start late on July 1st( Because even though the Navy says you start leave that day, it starts at 4pm and you are charged a full day of leave anyways....) That night we will stay in Roseburg , OR.

July 2nd will bring a full day of travel, but by sun down we should be in Anaheim, CA outsides the gates of Disneyland!!!!!

July 3rd, we will leave part way through the day from Disney and drive to Las Vegas , Baby! We will stay the night at the Luxor and see STOMP out loud at Planet Hollywood.

July 4th we will drive to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon and stay the night in Flagstaff.

July 5th we will drive to Roswell, NM for the last day of the Alien Festival. We will partake in the alien haunted house, the after dark parade and the streets shops.

** Interupted finish later****


Miss Hope said...

Still waiting on the rest of the story!

We love road trips. Now, though? We're waiting on The Boy to get a little older so he won't be such a pain.